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Ipswich Fit


Xn Leisure helps unify Ipswich Fit’s online booking system.


Ipswich Borough Council Sport and its sports arm, Ipswich Fit, already had in place online memberships and online bookings and payments. However, they wanted to improve the end-user experience and so wanted a unified system that only required one login for several different membership management modules. Leisure Hub was the obvious choice, as it allowed Ipswich Fit to combine the two areas into one stand-alone portal for bookings, payments, and memberships.


Ipswich Fit already had Xn Pay in place as their payment portal which helped ensure the installation of Leisure Hub was straightforward and seamless. Our team then gave 3 virtual training days, answering any queries, giving advice, and dealing with any requirements surrounding gym re-openings.


After the launch in December 2020, Ipswich Fit had over 500 members registered by the end of day 2 and over 750 by the end of the first week.

Customers responded positively to only having to log in once to access their membership and booking services, which also freed staff up from dealing with high levels of customer queries.Stephen Wardle, Ipswich Fit’s Sports & Leisure Manager (Operations & Facilities), said: “We are confident Leisure Hub will have a positive impact on our business when we reopen fully.”


Stephen Wardle, Ipswich Fit’s Sports & Leisure Manager (Operations & Facilities), said: “We are confident Leisure Hub will have a positive impact on our business when we reopen fully.”

If you’d like to find out more about we could help your business, please get in touch by emailing

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